Sunday, August 14, 2022

Europe 2022- Viking Gymir Day 6 May 21 Cologne, Germany

 During the night we cruised from Koblenz to Koln (Cologne).  We arrived after breakfast and docked right in town.  We took the included walking tour with a very nice guide. The cathedral here has two spires and was started in 1248 in the Gothic style. It took 632 years to be finished, and although it was severely damaged from the bombs in WWII, it was restored almost entirely in the years after the war.  Behind the altar is a golden sarcophagus which is supposed to hold the remains of the three Magi.

Mosaic floor laid in 1880's

Shrine of the Magi

Also saw some Roman ruins which were found underneath the current city (the Roman museum was closed for renovation), city hall, and a wonderful town square where many people gathered on a Saturday to drink beer, and people watch.  


Waiting for our walking tour to start

We had lunch on board ship, then we went back to town to sample some of the Kolsch beers that are made here.  

We stopped into a huge costume shop and tried out some Oktoberfest items for fun.  They are not cheap!

Had some German food at a brauhouse (sauerbraten, dumplings, red cabbage and applesauce) that was not that great.  It was very crowded, we sat in the back room with very low ceilings.  We walked around, had some ice cream, then met our guide for the tour of brew houses that Andy booked.  All but Kirk and Larry left the tour after the first stop because we were tired and all we did was stand on the sidewalk and try to hear the tour guide over the noise of tourists and traffic.  Larry and Kirk went to the second stop and then returned to the ship. We were in the room by 9:00.  Almost 18,000 steps today- very tiring!

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