Monday, August 8, 2022

Europe 2022- Day 6 Boarding Viking Gymir May 16

The Hotel Hyperion breakfast buffet was a disappointment after what we had at Hotel Metropol in Munich.  We had a short downpour while we were packing. Then it turned sunny and nice.  We left the hotel at 11, took 2 trams to the docks, surprised that we were able to board at noon. We enjoyed a lovely sit-down lunch with wine. 

We walked around the ship and sat on the top deck while most guests boarded at 3:00.  High of 77 today and sunny.  Marilyn and Larry had a transport and met us onboard.  Before dinner we had a wine and cheese tasting in the lounge.  Dinner (rib eye for most of us) was fabulous- service is awesome, with multiple servers at each table and many choices of food.  The ship left Basel at 8 p.m.  We were in bed early. Ship sails overnight to Breisach, Germany under a full moon. 


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