Friday, August 12, 2022

Europe 2022- Viking Gymir Day 4 May 19 Speyer Germany

There were lots of cargo ships on the river this morning, we're running late so really moving along.  Docked at Mannheim during breakfast. We took the included walking tour of Speyer, Germany, including the Imperial Cathedral (Romanesque), one of the largest in Europe, built between 1030-1061.  We went down in the crypt which had altars and tombs of kings and emperors.  86 for a high today.

After the cathedral tour we walked the streets and looked in shops, but had too little time to shop.  We went back to the ship for lunch, then sat on the top deck to watch the scenery while the ship sailed to Rudesheim. Once we docked, Larry and Marilyn went with us to town- guys had a beer while girls shopped. It rained hard so we ducked into a restaurant and had a beer while we waited for a cab, and we made it back to the ship for dinner.  After a great dinner, we went back on the top deck, then in the lounge (Kirk, Bill, Larry and N). 

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