Sunday, August 7, 2022

Europe 2022- Day 3 Munich May 13

After another wonderful breakfast at the hotel we took the S-2 and a bus to Dachau Concentration Camp on our own.  We spent about 2 hours looking at exhibits in the old admin building, the bunker, and rebuilt bunk rooms.  There were quite a few artifacts from prisoners and the camp also.  We had some rain but it only made the experience more real.  We did not take many pictures, just wanted to experience the place. It was very educational and moving. 

It was still raining when we got back to Munich so we headed into Munchner Stubn Restaurant for lunch, right across from the train station. We had pizza and beer, it was very crowded and the service reflected that. 

Back at the hotel we had a beer then took the tram to Marienplatz (Mary's Square) which is the old part of Munich. We walked to the Viktualienmarkt where there is a beer garden and many outdoor vendors. The guys drank beer while we girls looked at fresh flowers, veggies, and food in the stalls, a huge May pole, and statues of famous people.  The weather by then was great and it was very busy- lots of people drinking beer on a Friday afternoon.

After heading back to the hotel we went to Meridian Hotel nearby for dinner- very nice setting, great server and food.  We split veal schnitzel and cheese spaetzle.  Back to the hotel for drinks with our favorite bartender, Thomas before bed.  Almost 16,000 steps today! 


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