Friday, August 12, 2022

Europe 2022- Viking Gymir Day 5 May 20- Koblenz, Germany

It rained overnight, the ship left Rudesheim dock at 8:30 a.m.  After breakfast we spent the morning on the top deck watching the middle Rhine go by; 20 castles in various states were explained by George.  Some were being used as hotels.  

The sun came out, it was 80 degrees and we docked at Koblenz after lunch and took separate shore excursions. Kirk and Larry decided to go on a bus to Marksburg castle where they saw the way the occupants lived in ancient times. 

Andy, Deb, Marilyn and I took a gondola over the Rhine to Ehrenbreitstein, the largest fortress in Europe.  Our guide Michael was an actor who portrayed an English spy during construction.  He was hard to understand at times, but the tour was interesting.  Good views of the Rhine and Moselle Rivers, and "German corner" where the rivers meet and a statue of Prince Wilhelm I sits.

2 Viking ships docked together

Lovers' locks at the fortress

 After the gondola ride the girls walked into town but we didn't find any good shops- mostly restaurants and shoe stores. 

Back to the ship- it rained and blew real hard during cocktail hour. George gave a talk on Viking cruises and after dinner we had 2 local musicians playing mostly classical music until 10.  It was a very relaxing end to an exhausting day.

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