Monday, August 8, 2022

Europe 2022- Day 5 Train to Basel, Switzerland May 15

After our last wonderful breakfast at Hotel Metropol, we made sandwiches on delicious hard rolls to take on the train.  The train left the station at 8:46 a.m.  We traveled through Augsburg, Ulm and Stuttgart and we went through numerous tunnels. It was a beautiful sunny day.  When we got close to Basel, Switzerland there were lots of vineyards and orchards. We got to Basel train station at 2:00 and took the tram to Hotel Hyperion.  Streets were very quiet- probably because it's a Sunday.

Munich train station

View from our hotel room in Basel

Waiting for the tram in Basel

Top of the hotel- 31st floor

Andy and Kathy met us in the lobby- they got here yesterday. We checked in and relaxed in our beautiful room while Kathy and Andy took a city walking tour.  We walked a block to The Pub and had an expensive beer. Prices in Switzerland are ridiculous compared to Munich!  When they returned we took the tram downtown and had dinner at Restaurant Schutzenhaus (in the outdoor garden- we were not dressed well enough to eat inside!)  It was pricey but very good. I had veal in gravy with fried potatoes.  

We took the tram back to the hotel and went to the Bar Rouge on the 31st floor for a drink and to watch the sunset.  Great views of Basel.

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