Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mission TX Weeks 2 & 3

Got a bad cold on 2/14 which is still hanging on a bit- I shared it with Kirk too!  Activities continue at the park- everyone is enjoying themselves.  We were at the park meeting on 2/17 when Kirk's sister Karen called to tell us his dad was not doing well after he fell and broke some ribs.  We made flight arrangements for Thursday- and drove 4 hours to San Antonio to get our flight.  Fortunately Deb and Bill offered to watch Ole while we went home.  By the time we got to SA Wednesday evening Binder had passed away, very unexpectedly.  We were both quite shook up.  Flew home on Thursday, Kevin flew home on Friday from Florida. Kelly and family got there Friday as well.  The visitation was held Sunday evening- all of the family was there.  Monday was the funeral- it was very well attended which was not a surprise since Binder was well loved in the community.  We stayed until Friday 2/26 and flew back to Texas, arriving at the park on Saturday.  We were glad to be home to see everyone and help Dorothy but it is nice being back in warm weather.  Bill and Deb made dinner for us.  On Sunday we got back to church, then we all played table tennis and pickleball (my first time). Neck is feeling better after a couple of PT appointments back home but I will continue getting massages and taking it easy.  We had lunch at the cafe, walked around the other side of the park looking at all the flowering trees/plants, looked at the craft items at the show, and then went to the pool/hot tub.
Kirk and Bill picked the grapefruits from our tree- they got a huge plastic bin full.  We hope to bring some home but aren't sure if they will last that long.  Weather has been hot, but was 80 and cloudy yesterday and today.  It should be getting hot again, in the 90's this week. Ole was enjoying the sunshine while we were gone!

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