Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mission Texas Week 1

It took us about 4 hours to get to Mission, TX from Port Lavaca.  Roads were better and since it was a Saturday the traffic was not bad. The office at Bentsen Grove RV Resort was closed but Mike came and showed the guys open sites on his golf cart.  I think the whole park came by while we girls waited by the campers.  Not too many people coming in at this time of year so we were warmly greeted.  We got set up on the west side of the road, sites are large and grassy with orange and grapefruit trees.  After Joe grilled brats for dinner we sat around our LP firepit- first chance to do that!

On Sunday we all walked over to the church service at the clubhouse.  Lots of people there-we ended up in the front row and got introduced as newcomers. Rev. Jesse had a great message. We enjoyed sitting around in the sunshine after making a grocery run.  We went to the clubhouse for their superbowl party, they served hotdogs and fries.  At halftime we came home and watched the rest of the game at Bill and Deb's. We were glad that the Broncos beat Carolina Panthers!

The week has been spent trying out the different activities- including bingo on Mondays, pickleball just about anytime, woodcarving, exercise classes, homemade donuts and biscuits and gravy at the cafe, and entertainment which included a cloggers performance, The Cross Strungs (a fiddling family), and Greg Jones (a gospel singer).  On Wednesday we went to the local flea market, where we bought some fresh pineapple and watermelon.  On Friday they had a Valentine's dance (also called Senior Prom).  We girls dressed up and the guys bought us corsages.  Live band The Classics played 60s through 80's tunes. Lots of people there and the dance floor was often packed.  The weather has been sunny and 80's, much nicer than Florida panhandle, although it is windy most days.  We are booked here for a month and may stay longer. Everyone seems to like it.  This week we plan to go to South Padre Island during the week.

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