Monday, February 1, 2016

Last week in Navarre FL

For those of you wondering, we're pretty sure that I have a pinched  nerve in my neck- painful but so glad it isn't something worse. Seems I have some arthritis in my spine that is causing this to happen. Taking prednisone and icing and waiting for it to subside. Thanks for your prayers!
We had rain again on Wed. so we went back to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola to see stuff we missed last week.  We took the trolley out back to see all the planes waiting restoration and saw the flight line where the Blue Angels practice.  We just had to do the Blue Angels 4D experience again- so cool!  Before leaving Pensacola we stopped at Joe Patti's fish market, picked up some swordfish to grill- yum!

On Friday we went to Blackwater River State Park to hike with Deb and Bill and the dogs.  We've had so much rain that the trail was flooded so couldn't go very far. Pretty little park with fast moving water, nice sand beaches, and boardwalks. They have a nice small campground as well. Probably a popular spot in the summer, tubing and canoeing are common on the river.

On Saturday we made some chicken and sausage gumbo and put it in the crock pot.  Everyone came over before we went to the Mardi Gras parade in Navarre Beach to eat a King Cake (MG tradition). The person who gets the plastic baby in their piece is due to have good luck - Deb got it!
 It was a beautiful sunny day, mid-70's. Parade was at 1:00 so we went early to get a spot and took a walk on the long pier to watch fishermen.  One of the guys from our park caught a 10 foot dusky shark after we left him. It was 450 pounds- they tag them and let them go.  The parade was fun, we all got lots of beads. Most of the floats were water-based themes, it was a family friendly parade with thousands in attendance.

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