Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mission TX Weeks 2 & 3

Got a bad cold on 2/14 which is still hanging on a bit- I shared it with Kirk too!  Activities continue at the park- everyone is enjoying themselves.  We were at the park meeting on 2/17 when Kirk's sister Karen called to tell us his dad was not doing well after he fell and broke some ribs.  We made flight arrangements for Thursday- and drove 4 hours to San Antonio to get our flight.  Fortunately Deb and Bill offered to watch Ole while we went home.  By the time we got to SA Wednesday evening Binder had passed away, very unexpectedly.  We were both quite shook up.  Flew home on Thursday, Kevin flew home on Friday from Florida. Kelly and family got there Friday as well.  The visitation was held Sunday evening- all of the family was there.  Monday was the funeral- it was very well attended which was not a surprise since Binder was well loved in the community.  We stayed until Friday 2/26 and flew back to Texas, arriving at the park on Saturday.  We were glad to be home to see everyone and help Dorothy but it is nice being back in warm weather.  Bill and Deb made dinner for us.  On Sunday we got back to church, then we all played table tennis and pickleball (my first time). Neck is feeling better after a couple of PT appointments back home but I will continue getting massages and taking it easy.  We had lunch at the cafe, walked around the other side of the park looking at all the flowering trees/plants, looked at the craft items at the show, and then went to the pool/hot tub.
Kirk and Bill picked the grapefruits from our tree- they got a huge plastic bin full.  We hope to bring some home but aren't sure if they will last that long.  Weather has been hot, but was 80 and cloudy yesterday and today.  It should be getting hot again, in the 90's this week. Ole was enjoying the sunshine while we were gone!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mission Texas Week 1

It took us about 4 hours to get to Mission, TX from Port Lavaca.  Roads were better and since it was a Saturday the traffic was not bad. The office at Bentsen Grove RV Resort was closed but Mike came and showed the guys open sites on his golf cart.  I think the whole park came by while we girls waited by the campers.  Not too many people coming in at this time of year so we were warmly greeted.  We got set up on the west side of the road, sites are large and grassy with orange and grapefruit trees.  After Joe grilled brats for dinner we sat around our LP firepit- first chance to do that!

On Sunday we all walked over to the church service at the clubhouse.  Lots of people there-we ended up in the front row and got introduced as newcomers. Rev. Jesse had a great message. We enjoyed sitting around in the sunshine after making a grocery run.  We went to the clubhouse for their superbowl party, they served hotdogs and fries.  At halftime we came home and watched the rest of the game at Bill and Deb's. We were glad that the Broncos beat Carolina Panthers!

The week has been spent trying out the different activities- including bingo on Mondays, pickleball just about anytime, woodcarving, exercise classes, homemade donuts and biscuits and gravy at the cafe, and entertainment which included a cloggers performance, The Cross Strungs (a fiddling family), and Greg Jones (a gospel singer).  On Wednesday we went to the local flea market, where we bought some fresh pineapple and watermelon.  On Friday they had a Valentine's dance (also called Senior Prom).  We girls dressed up and the guys bought us corsages.  Live band The Classics played 60s through 80's tunes. Lots of people there and the dance floor was often packed.  The weather has been sunny and 80's, much nicer than Florida panhandle, although it is windy most days.  We are booked here for a month and may stay longer. Everyone seems to like it.  This week we plan to go to South Padre Island during the week.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

New Iberia Louisiana and Port Lavaca TX

We've been so busy I haven't had time to update y'all on our travels.  We left Emerald Beach, Navarre FL on Jan. 31 after saying goodbye to Kevin and the friends we made there.  Looking forward to warmer weather in Texas.  The roads in Louisiana were absolutely horrid- many bumps!! We got to New Iberia, LA later in the afternoon and got set up at KOC Campground.  A big field with many "resident" campers.  It will do for two nights.  At least they have a big field to let Ole run around in.  We went to dinner at K & M's Boiling Point, after a goose chase trying to find it on the frontage roads.  It was crowded for a Sunday night, lots of people eating huge platters of boiled crawfish.  I took the Yelp suggestion and had the onion rings with my grilled shrimp po'boy, both were excellent! We shared an order of "gator balls" which were spicy deep fried- like meatballs.  When we got back to the campers it was still 68 degrees, and we didn't need to turn our heat on  for a change!

On Monday we went to the Tabasco factory at Avery Island, just down the road from our campground.  Very interesting self-guided tour, and we had an excellent southern lunch at the cafe on the property before going to see the "Jungle Gardens" which the founding family started to showcase plants and animals.  We did get pretty close to some sleepy alligators, the guys were happy! Deb almost stepped on a snake- she moved faster than it did and we all had a good laugh over that.
Tabasco is aged for three years in oak barrels
There are 7 flavors of Tabasco
Trying to get chased by a gator

They had 300 year old live oaks!
Back in New Iberia we toured the Shadows on the Teche mansion built in the 1830's.  Not very big but interesting family history- it was occupied by the same family through 1958 when it was donated to the city. When we returned to the campground the guys tried fishing in the pond on the grounds- no bites but it was fun watching the mullet jump right out of the water!
On Tuesday we left to go to Port Lavaca, TX which is north of Corpus Christi. The Texas Lakeside RV Resort was very highly rated, a fairly new park, but most of the people were residing there to work at the refineries nearby.  They had a nice pool (outdoor, not heated, and a whirlpool) but no activities. We decided not to stay here and left again on Saturday. Luckily the owner let us out of our one month contract and gave us a refund.  They were adding on 80 sites and there was constant noise and dust from the construction.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Last week in Navarre FL

For those of you wondering, we're pretty sure that I have a pinched  nerve in my neck- painful but so glad it isn't something worse. Seems I have some arthritis in my spine that is causing this to happen. Taking prednisone and icing and waiting for it to subside. Thanks for your prayers!
We had rain again on Wed. so we went back to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola to see stuff we missed last week.  We took the trolley out back to see all the planes waiting restoration and saw the flight line where the Blue Angels practice.  We just had to do the Blue Angels 4D experience again- so cool!  Before leaving Pensacola we stopped at Joe Patti's fish market, picked up some swordfish to grill- yum!

On Friday we went to Blackwater River State Park to hike with Deb and Bill and the dogs.  We've had so much rain that the trail was flooded so couldn't go very far. Pretty little park with fast moving water, nice sand beaches, and boardwalks. They have a nice small campground as well. Probably a popular spot in the summer, tubing and canoeing are common on the river.

On Saturday we made some chicken and sausage gumbo and put it in the crock pot.  Everyone came over before we went to the Mardi Gras parade in Navarre Beach to eat a King Cake (MG tradition). The person who gets the plastic baby in their piece is due to have good luck - Deb got it!
 It was a beautiful sunny day, mid-70's. Parade was at 1:00 so we went early to get a spot and took a walk on the long pier to watch fishermen.  One of the guys from our park caught a 10 foot dusky shark after we left him. It was 450 pounds- they tag them and let them go.  The parade was fun, we all got lots of beads. Most of the floats were water-based themes, it was a family friendly parade with thousands in attendance.