Monday, February 2, 2015

Rain, movies and moving out and in

It rained here all day Friday and Saturday- we got to see the dry creek beds running with water.  Things are greening up already.  We went to see the movie "Unbroken" with Sue and Ed- it was very moving.  Nice to go in the middle of the day when it's not crowded and we get senior discounts besides!  After the movie we had our first Mexican food at the Little Mexico steakhouse.  Cute western decor with fake brands all over the walls. The food was good too.  On Friday we went to see "American Sniper". What an eye opener and I sure appreciate what our service people have to go through in war.  
We got our new camper papers signed on Saturday. Since it was still raining we opted to move in on Sunday.  We tried to get into one of the gem show tents but we were not dealers so could not.  We did see the Native American booths at one of the hotels.  Not too impressive- only a few sellers.  We'll try again after Joe and Nancy get here- the show runs for two weeks and there are tents all over town.
Saturday night we went to Roma's Italian deli for an early dinner with Sue and Ed.  Great food- and we had enough to bring home for another meal!! Came back and started packing up our stuff.
On Sunday morning we went to Camping World and parked our trailer next to our new fifth wheeler so we could transfer our stuff.  Our salesperson Paula helped us so it didn't take that long. Ole and Lexie waited in the truck.  After we got back and parked in our spot we continued putting stuff away.  Did not make it to the Super Bowl party at the clubhouse- we were too pooped.  Had to go buy dog food so picked up a Tombstone pizza. Unfortunately we burned it in our new oven so had to settle for salami sandwiches.  Saw the last half of the game in our camper.  We were really pooped so early to bed.
Monday was spent with little moving in projects, including going to a Laundromat to wash rugs and dog bed covers (Kirk walked the dogs while I did laundry). Sue and Ed left to go to Yuma and we are waiting for Joe and Nancy to arrive on Wednesday.  We are enjoying the new camper- it should work just fine for a number of years (we hope)!

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