Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Desert Museum in Tucson

On President's Day Monday we went to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.  It is a huge place, containing many trails with desert plants along with displays of real desert animals.  We spent at least 4 hours there.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, but it was quite crowded since schools were out today.  Should have picked another day.  We walked around almost every trail, and saw the animals we hope NOT to see on our actual desert walks such as spiders, snakes and scorpions.  We also saw coyotes, mountain lions, javalinas, and many other animals that were hard to find since they were in the shaded areas. They had a raptor show which included a family of Harris hawks and a barred owl that flew over the crowds.  We really enjoyed the displays and finding out the names of the plants that we encounter daily in our desert visits.
Coyote in captivity

View from one of the trails of the Saguaro NP

Rattlesnake in captivity where it belongs!

Harris Hawk

1 comment:

  1. We had -24 degrees here. Be glad you're there. I don't think I would want to see any of those critters in the wild. Enjoy!
