Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mt. Lemmon

We have been very busy this last week, we seem to be trying to cram in as much as we can before we leave Tucson on 2/27.   On Wed. we enjoyed the park's burger cookout and visited with some neighbors. Then Kirk and I went to Catalina State Park in the northern part of the area to do some hiking. It's a very nice park with a great campground that had large sites and even grass!  There had been an Indian settlement and a ranch on the property in the past and we saw evidence of both. Nice to have some variety in our hiking.  On Thursday I went to the huge gem show with a friend from the park and bought a few more jewelry items at very reasonable wholesale prices.  Thursday night we drove south to Green Valley to see Kirk's friend Dave and his wife Jane. We had a nice visit and they took us out for dinner at their golf clubhouse.
On Friday we had to take our camper to the dealer to have them look at the A/C so we then drove the 29 miles up Mount Lemmon on the northeast side of town.  There are pull-outs, picnic areas and campgrounds all the way up to the top- 9000 ft.  It was great to see pine trees! We stopped to hike a bit, avoided hitting the many bikers pumping their way up the mountain, and enjoyed seeing snow at the top at the ski hill (which was not open for skiing but there were people riding the chair lift).  There is a cute little ski village (not a bit of snow there) with some beautiful cabins all the way up the hill.  We had a giant cookie for lunch to support the local economy since the ski area has not opened yet due to the lack of snow. With the weather down here it's hard to believe they can even have a ski hill! By the way, no problems were found with the camper- guess we'll have to try again as we know that there are!!
Cold enough to wear fleece- 50 degrees!

Bad selfie from the end of the road!

Not enough snow to ski to the bottom.

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