Saturday, April 18, 2015

Moving on to Arkansas

On Friday 4/10 we got up early and left Beaumont TX in light rain. Joe and Nancy were still sleeping. They are headed in a different direction.  It took us 7.5 hours to get to Hot Springs Village AR where my cousin Bill and wife Laurie live.  They met us at the gate and led us to the campground in the center of the village.  10 sites, with electric and water hookups for $18 per night.  After setting up and walking the dogs we went to their friends' house for cocktails, then out to one of the golf clubs for a fish fry, which was very good.  We then went to another friends' house for cake. Got back to our site and hit the hay about 9:30- we were bushed!
On Saturday we went to Bill and Laurie's for breakfast and then headed to the Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs. The azalea bushes were all blooming, but unfortunately we missed the thousands of tulips and camellias.  Saw some purple wisteria vines in bloom.  Beautiful day, sunny and mid-70's- after an ice cream cone, we spent a few hours at the campsite, then had dinner at Bill and Laurie's.  Had a great time visiting, they are always fun!

Azalea bushes and tulips that were done blooming

Laurie and Bill Herman

Wisteria Vine- they grow on trees and get quite large

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