Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fredericksburg TX Continued

Kirk and I took the dogs to the Enchanted Rock State Natural Area 18 miles north of town.  It was cloudy and a little cooler which was perfect for walking. We did not want to try hiking to the summit with Lexie so we stayed on the loop trail around the base of this 500 ft. high hunk of pink granite - second largest in North America.  We enjoyed the wildflowers (bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, red poppies, yellow coreopsis) and the dogs liked getting out and being able to take a dip in the creek.  There weren't any other people on the trail we took so they were able to be off leash. 

After eating lunch at the camper we picked up Joe and Nancy and drove to Wildseed Farms east of town.  Acres of wildflowers- so pretty!  They had several huge gift shops and were quite busy. By the time we left it had gotten sunny and warm.  We drove south to Kerrville, where we enjoyed looking at some really pretty homes on the hillside, and ranches with exotic deer, cattle and goats.  The roadsides are covered with the same flowers we saw at the farm.  We checked out two RV parks in Kerrville before heading back to camp for dinner.  Nice day!


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