Saturday, January 10, 2015

Nan's in a winning way!

Thursday it rained lightly all day- what a surprise since the prediction was 10-20%.  We grocery shopped and then drove down to the Desert Diamond Casino to buy our tickets for the Oak Ridge Boys concert in Feb.  In order to get the 10% discount we had to sign up for their players' club.  We each got a free play card- mine was for $100 and Kirk's for $10.  We had to put money in a slot to find out how much they were worth.  We came out ahead about $65 so we quit.  Since we were in the money we decided to stay for a sandwich.  Food was good and reasonable.  Back at the camper we made some soup for supper and then went to Bingo at the clubhouse.  About 50 people were there so each game was worth about $26-27.  Each game cost us $1.00 for 4 cards each and I won one of the games so we made money again.  They also had snacks for sale- huge bowls of ice cream for $1.00! We had a good time. On Friday we went to the pot luck supper and met some nice folks who are full time RVers.  There was a good selection of food- I brought calico beans.  On Saturday we did our daily hike in the Tucson Mt. County park - it got up to 70 and was quite pleasant again.  We had planned to go to an RV show but decided to stay at the park so Kirk could watch football.  Went to the clubhouse to Facetime with the kids. Good to see them!!

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