Thursday, January 15, 2015

Javelina excitement and Mission San Xavier

Early Wed. morning we had some noise outside our camper. When I asked my brave husband to investigate we discovered a javelin (wild pig) trying to get in the dog food bin that we keep under the camper. It has latches so he was unsuccessful.  Our first wildlife!  We took a short drive to the Mission San Xavier just down the road and took the free tour.  It was beautiful- built in the late 1700's and is under constant renovation.  After the tour we visited the little cafĂ© outside and had Indian tacos- made with fry bread instead of tortillas. We had prickly pear cactus juice to drink.  Everything was very good! A strange thing- on the way out of the "town" a young man was standing by the road with a hand made cardboard sign that said, "Get out well (sic) you can!" and he was shouting at us also.  Really weird.  Our RV park is on the reservation and the homes in the surrounding area are very crude with broken glass all around.  There is a school at the mission that has 135 students in grades 1-12.  Wonder what kind of education they receive.

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