Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Emerald Beach Week 2

Haven't posted for a while, was trying to upload photos from my phone but messed it up. Weather has been cool (50's for highs) with some rain but the last two days have been in the mid-60's and sunny.  Had a beautiful sunset a couple nights ago.  We've been doing some exploring- checked out the Navarre Beach fishing pier which is about 1/4 mile long. They charge $1 just to walk on it!  The water is beautiful green and very clear.
Taken from Navarre Beach pier- it's very high!

Kirk and Joe tried fishing one day at Hurlburt AFB (on the sound) but did not catch anything.  They've been asking the guys in the park and getting some tips so maybe we'll have a fish dinner someday.  We may have to go to Joe Patty's fish market that everyone talks about!  Kevin is on night shift now (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) so we try to have him over for supper on his days off.  Nancy and I started the exercise class, they follow videos of mostly walking with some steps.  First day was great, but my back has been complaining so I've had to back off a bit.  We usually walk 3 miles but today we only did two since it was free coffee and donut day in the same space.  Lots of people go to that- met some new folks.

New Years Eve Party held on Jan. 4 at EBRV Park
Last Wed. Kirk and I drove to Gulf Shores, AL on the other side of Pensacola and had lunch with Paul and Terri Garner and Dick and Marilyn Knuteson.   Enjoyed visiting with them, they both bought town homes there, on the same block!

Bill and Deb Eastwood arrived last Friday- they are in Tampa right now picking up a new 5th wheel! They realized real quickly that their small travel trailer was not suitable for long term living.

Yesterday Mike and Deb Richardson stopped for a visit- they were staying in Gulf Breeze for a few nights.  Nice to see them too. I think they are jealous of the snowbird adventure we are on!

Our camper troubles continue, we got the refrig fixed but now the large kitchen slide is acting up so we're waiting to get the approval from Keystone to bring that in.  We want to get it taken care of before we leave here since we can stay at Kevin's while they fix it.  Our warranty runs out the end of the month but we did buy an extended warranty, after all the troubles we've had with this unit!  So frustrating but from what we hear it's not uncommon.  Every time you take these things on the road stuff moves around so I guess it's to be expected.

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