Tuesday, December 30, 2014

First long day on the road- Oregon WI to Wichita KS

Monday 12/29/14 was a long day- we left Oregon, WI at 6:30 a.m. and headed southwest on 151 through Platteville, then took 35 south through Dubuque, Des Moines, and Kansas City MO. Three stops for fuel, we didn't get to have lunch until 4:00 because it's hard to just pull into any food place with this rig, you almost have to eat at the truck stops where you are getting fuel.  We put over 600 miles on in about 11 hours of driving, getting an average of about 10 mpg.  Got to Wichita, KS about 6:15 p.m. and checked into a Best Western near the airport.  Ole and Lexi have been good travelers.  We had a burger and wine at the hotel lounge before going to bed around 10:00. Kirk had to get up and take Lexi out about 1 a.m. and I got up at 5:15 to let both dogs out.  It is snowing and the wind chill is 1.  Major cold snap in most of the Midwest.  We are going to head out once it gets light out.  Looks like we will be fighting a north wind today.  Hope to get to Santa Rosa New Mexico (a little further than our original plans of staying in Tucumcari, NM).  I was surprised to see how hilly Iowa and Kansas were in general.  It wasn't a boring drive. Saw lots of hawks by the road, some oil wells and two funny town names- What Cheer in Iowa and Peculiar in Missouri. Feel free to share my site with others, I haven't figured out how to do that other than by email.

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